There are some rather remarkable similarities when comparing the JFK murder case and the 1995 O.J. Simpson murder trial -- e.g., so-called police misconduct, "planting" of gobs of evidence (according to the loony conspiracy theorists), and the alleged "framing" of an innocent man for murder.
The video clip presented above comes from the live TV coverage of the prosecution's closing arguments at the O.J. Simpson criminal trial in late September of 1995.
Please take note of the striking similarities that exist between Marcia Clark's argument about the so-called "planted" bloody glove in this clip and the conspiracy theory in the JFK murder case regarding the alleged planting of Warren Commission Exhibit No. 399 (the Connally stretcher bullet).
You could literally dub over many of Marcia Clark's words in this video and replace her words with "CE399", and you'd have almost exactly the same common-sense argument that I (and a lot of other lone-assassin believers) have made in the past concerning the illogic of planting Bullet CE399.
"Just like in the O.J. Simpson case, the notion of police misconduct in the JFK/Tippit cases is totally blown up to massive, unprovable proportions by people who literally NEED such misconduct to be taking place in order to have their beloved conspiracy exist."
-- David Von Pein; August 7, 2006